C4RJ Program
The Communities for Restorative Justice Program is a Diversion Program for Minor Crimes that focuses on building stronger communities through the conversations that transform conflict.
Jail Diversion Program
The Jail Diversion Program (JDP) aims to help people in mental health crisis get the assistance they need, and not direct them unnecessarily into the Criminal Justice System. The Clinician rides with police officers in cruisers and responds directly to calls.
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National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, which raises awareness about the dangers of impaired driving and implements strategies for people to get home safely. Impaired driving is heightened during the holiday season, and the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHSTA) reports that 13,524 people died in alcohol-impaired driving traffic deaths in 2022. To combat impaired driving, campaigns such as
We have received a number of reports today that residents are receiving phone calls from someone pretending to be from the Northborough Police Department. This person is identifying themselves as “Sergeant/Officer Franklin” from our department, demanding payment for missed court dates, unpaid citations, subpoenas, etc. THIS CALL IS A SCAM. Our department will never call you requesting payment. This person/persons
*UPDATE – FOUND* Northborough Police Report Missing Juvenile Found Safe
Chief Brian Griffin is pleased to report that the juvenile missing since Nov. 19 has been found safe. The 16-year-old boy was located safely on the night of Wednesday, Nov. 20. The Northborough Police Department would like to thank all those who helped in locating the individual.